Båtkrascher, falafel & kändisyra

Ok, well done. Another Full Moon Party accomplished. As usual there where some mishappenings. Two motor boats collided pretty bad. The boats ran without lights in the night (a.k.a. Thai style) and 42 people got injured. Two of the passengers wheren't found.

What wasn't found as well was Jeremy's camera. Pocket cams seems to brake/disappear/fail all the time in Asia.

Sunset on the way to Koh Phangan

Anyways, enough of sadness. Full Moon is a happy event. As usual we checked in at Sun Cliff Resort. They are kinda used to have me there now. Jeremy cracked a great smile when the owner said "Hello Tom, you back?" when we arrived. All the cheap bungalows where occupied but she could give us her brothers house if we wanted. The price was 5 000 Baht (! frikking expensive) but we got it for only 2 000 Baht. I'm getting good at bargaining.

Here's some pictures of the place.

No. That is only one picture! Crappy computer...

Oh, funny story. Me and Jerm were strolling down the main road at Koh Phangan when three girls started screaming:

"It's him! Oh my God it's him!"

A second later I had them all over me chatter like crazy. I acted kinda battered, I couldn't figure out which these people were. Althought they seemed to know pretty much about me. They knew my name, where I've been etc. Scary.

I bet 5 minutes passed before I got the picture. I simply couldn't recognize them because I had never met them before. They were friends of Alex and Sarah, two girls I spend time with two months ago. These girls recognized me from Alex and Sarah's Facebook pictures.
When everything were sorted out we laughted. Hysterically.

Haha, even better. Joline, the one who saw me first, thought I was some kind of celebrity. Thanks for that.

After the Facebook stalking we took the new girls to our hearts and spent 3 days with them.
I really like Skane.

Last night at the Island Jeremy broke his personal record and mothed no less than three falafel! Big up.


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